Turkey & Ham

Maple Glazed Spiral Sliced Ham

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  • 100% satisfaction guaranteed
  • Grass Fed & Organic Meats
  • We take heritage breed pork and dry brine it with sea salt, spices and herbs. After a nice long bath to keep it moist while smoking, we throw it over fruit and hickory woods and slow smoke it to perfection over 24 hours.

    It gets a maple glaze applied and off it goes to hungry tables everywhere.

    It's spiral sliced and fully cooked, so all the hard work is done for you -- you just sit back, add some sides, and dig right in!

    Each ham will feed 8-12 people

    Here's what you get:

    • 8-10 pound spiral sliced maple glazed ham with extra glaze

    Gluten Free!

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Reheating and Cooking Information
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