What to Eat AFTER Drinking All Night on St. Patrick’s Day

What to Eat After Drinking All Night on St. Patrick's Day | cakenknife.com

With St. Patrick’s Day coming up tomorrow, you all know what that means. It’s time to down some serious Jameson and green beer. Yesterday we told you all about how to try to avoid a hangover before you go out on an epic all-night drinking fest, but what about when you’re drunk, on your way home from the bars and feeling the starvation that drinking inevitably brings? You probably already have your very own hangover remedy (mine is a massive glass of water and ibuprofen the moment I wake up at 5am - my body hates me apparently too much to sleep in until 10am), but when you’re five sheets to the wind and on your way down… Well not everyone knows that you should be avoiding that greasy fast food like the freaking plague. Unless you like waking up feeling like hell and saturated with grossness.

What to Eat After Drinking All Night on St. Patrick's Day | cakenknife.com

Hunger always strikes when you’re out on the town and drunk as hell so you need something to get you along til morning when you wake up - hopefully without a hangover. Here’s the magical rundown of what to eat after drinking all night on St. Patrick's Day: - Miso Soup - yes, it’s a little weird and random, but miso soup actually rehydrates you. Plus it’s light enough to digest quick and can ward off those crazy hellish stomach pains the following morning - not to mention other, ahem, indigestion issues. - Lean meats - yes I know, you want that pizza and mozzarella sticks, but just say NO. Those won’t help you out as much as some lean protein like grilled chicken will to keep you from feeling nauseous. - French fries - not sold on the first two options? Fine, you can hit the fast food but stick with just the fries. Potatoes have potassium and sodium to help you balance out the crap that you just put into your body. It’ll also force you to drink more water! - Eggs - just like when you have a hangover, eggs can help before the hangover even starts. Eggs break down the toxins booze puts into your system that gives you that nasty hangover in the first place. - Water, all the water - Drink. Water. Can’t emphasize this enough. Water, especially coconut water, will get your head right. If you are really dedicated to not feeling pain, add a pinch of salt so it makes you pee less (thanks #science). Pop a multivitamin and then hit the hay folks.

What to Eat After Drinking All Night on St. Patrick's Day | cakenknife.com

We’ll see you on the other side. With no hangover. You’re welcome. Photos by Meghan Bassett